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Rimidi Platform Adds Cardiovascular Disease View

The Rimidi platform's new cardiovascular disease view combines relevant EHR data with reliable, patient-generated blood pressure data from a cellular-enabled blood pressure cuff, as well as integrated clinical decision support based on the most recent practice guidelines and clinical evidence. Armed with better data, clinicians can risk stratify their patients, remotely monitor their progress, and intervene with timely, guideline-based management.

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By 2035, nearly half of the U.S. population will have some form of cardiovascular disease. It will cost the U.S. $1.1 trillion.

How it Works:

Step 1: Combine Clinical and Patient-Generated Data
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Rimidi aggregates the relevant patient data from the EHR and combines it with patient-generated blood pressure data from connected blood pressure cuffs. The blood pressure cuffs are cellular-enabled, meaning no technology syncing hassle or extra steps for the patient, and more reliable, regular data for the provider.

Step 2: Identify and Enable Remote Monitoring of High-Risk Patients

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Based on the enhanced dataset, Rimidi provides up-to-date risk stratification--identifying patients who are at high, medium, and low risk, enabling the clinical team to remotely monitor patients and intervene in a timely manner.

Step 3: Intervene with Guideline-Based Management
Rimidi embeds clinical decision support cards within the clinician workflow, prompting a clinician (based on each patient’s unique data) when to adjust medications appropriately, send a patient for more imaging or bloodwork, or refer them to a  specialist.

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